Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum
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COVID 19 Collection

The Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum is asking for the assistance of our region’s residents in capturing a unique moment in history. By taking the time to record your thoughts in writing, in images, and in video, future historians will be better able to make sense of this event. There are no limitations on your approach to writing about your COVID-19 experience. Please use the form below to share.

Personal Information

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Supply information about your files here:
Are you the sole creator of these materials? If not, please list co-creators.*

I am 18 years of age or older and hereby certify that I created, and own the copyright in, the submitted material. While I will continue to retain my copyright, I hereby grant the Panhandle-Plains Historical Society a license to add the material to its archival collections and preserve it for future generations of students, scholars, and researchers. I give the Society permission:
  • to organize the materials according to accepted archival principles;
  • to create metadata, finding aids, and full-text search interfaces required for the preservation and discovery of the materials;
  • to make the materials accessible to researchers and staff;
  • and to use the materials in exhibits and displays, both physical and online.

I agree that the Panhandle-Plains Historical Society may make this material available online under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (, which will allow others to share and adapt the material, as long as I am given appropriate credit.

The Society reserves the right not to add any material that is duplicative or which falls outside the scope of this project.

Submission agreement
By clicking the checkbox I agree.  
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