I am 18 years of age or older and hereby certify that I created, and own the copyright in, the submitted material. While I will continue to retain my copyright, I hereby grant the Panhandle-Plains Historical Society a license to add the material to its archival collections and preserve it for future generations of students, scholars, and researchers. I give the Society permission:
- to organize the materials according to accepted archival principles;
- to create metadata, finding aids, and full-text search interfaces required for the preservation and discovery of the materials;
- to make the materials accessible to researchers and staff;
- and to use the materials in exhibits and displays, both physical and online.
I agree that the Panhandle-Plains Historical Society may make this material available online under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which will allow others to share and adapt the material, as long as I am given appropriate credit.
The Society reserves the right not to add any material that is duplicative or which falls outside the scope of this project.